TITLE: Wlen the Animals Talked - A Hundred Years of Uncle Remus AUTHOR: Mikkelsen,-Nina
Source: Children's-Literature-Association-Quarterly, Battle Creek, MI (CLAQ). 1983 Spring,
8:1, 3-5, 31 AMER. BOOK #: 83079537
TITLE: The Ancient Lineage of Beatrix Potter's Mr. Tod AUTHOR: Anderson,-Celia-Catlett
Source: 84-90 IN Ord-Priscilla-A. (ed.). Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of
the Children's Literature Association, Baylor University, March, 1980. (New RocheIle) :
(Dept. cd Eng., Iona Coll.), 1982. iii, 174 pp. AMER. BOOK #: 82071240
TITLE: Uncle Remus: Puttin' on Ole Massa's Son AUTHOR: Hedin,-Raymond Source:
Southern-Literary-Journal, Chapel Hill, NC (SLJ). 1982 Fall, 15:1, 83-90 AMER. BOOK #:
TITLE: Moon Splits Hare's Lip (Nose): An African Myth in the United States AUTHOR:
Bascom,-William Source: Research-in-African-Literatures Bloomington, IN (RAL). 1981 Fall,
12:3, 338-349 AMER. BOOK #: 81092122
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris: An 'Accldental' Folklorist
AUTHOR: Baer,-Florence-E.
Source: 185-195 IN Bickley-R.-Bruce-Jr. ied.). Critical Essays on Joel Chandler
Harris. Boston : Hall, 1981. xxiv, 240 pp.
AMER. BOOK #: 81010237
TITLE: Sources and Analogues of the Uncle Remus Tales
AUTHOR: Baer,-Florence-E.
Source: Helsinki : Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1980. 180 pp.2
AMER. BOOK #: 81003616
TITLE: Will the Authentic 'Hare' Please Stand Up: An Analysis of Joel Chandler Harris'
Uncle Remus
Tales; Selected Proc. of the 3rd Annual Conf. on Minority Studies, Apr. 1975. Vol. 4
AUTHOR: Howell, Marcella
Source: 23-30 IN Carter George E.; Parker James R. Afro-American Folklore: A Unique
American Experience. La Crosse : Inst. for Minority Studies, Univ. of Wisconsin-La Crosse,
1977. 51
pp. AMER. BOOK #: 80110953
TITLE: The Free Man of Color in The Grandissimes and Works by Harris and Mark
AUTHOR: Derkove,Lawrence.I
Source: The Southern-Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South, Hattiesburg, MS
1980, 18:4, 60-73
AMER. BOOK #: 80110727
TITLE: Two Allusions to Joel Chandler Harris in Ulysses: 'Wusser Scared' and
'Corporosity' Redux
AUTHOR: Bickley, R. Bruce,Jr.
Source: English-Language-Notes, Boulder, C0 1979, 17, 42-45
AMER. BOOK #: 79108056
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris
AUTHOR: Bickley,R. Bruce
Source: Boston : Twayne, 1978.
AMER. BOOK #: 79109957
TITLE: A 'Deluge of Simplicity': Contradictions in the Life and Work of Joel Chandler
AUTHOR: MacKethan, Lucinda H.
Source: Southern Literary Journal, Chapel Hill, NC 1979, 11:2, 87-96
NT: Rev. art. on Bickley, above
AMER. BOOK #: 79109958
TITLE: Dissertation Research on Joel Chandler Harris
AUTHOR: Bickley, R. Bruce, Jr.
Source: American Literary Realism, 1870-1910, Arlington, TX 1978, 11, 134-38
AMER. BOOK #: 78109558
TITLE: A Checklist of the Periodical Contributions of Joel Chandler Harris: Part 2
AUTHOR: Bickley, R. Bruce, Jr.; Strickland, William Bradley
Source: American Literary Realism, 1870-1910, Arlington, TX 1978, 11, 139-40
NT: Cont. from 1976 Bibliog. I.8939
AMER. BOOK #: 78109559
TITLE: Two New Joel Chandler Harris Reviews of Mark Twaln
AUTHOR: Eriska, Joseph M.,Jr.
Source: American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography,
Durham, NC
1977, 48, 584-B? NT: Stolen White Elephant & Huck Finn
AMER. BOOK #: 77108057
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris: A Bibliographical Study
AUTHOR: Strickland, William Bradley
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI
AMER. BOOK #: 77108058
TITLE: Visions of the South: Joel Chandler Harris and His Illustrators
AUTHOR: David, Beverly R.
Source: American Literary Realism, 1870-1910, Arlington, TX 1976, 9, 189-206
NT: Illus.
AMER. BOOK #: 76108937
TITLE: Underlying Despair in the Fiction of Joel Chandler Harris
AUTHOR: Flusche, Michael
Source: Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of Southern Culture, Mississippi States
MS 1976, 29, 91-103
AMER. BOOK #: 76108938
TITLE: The Myth of Moonlight and Magnolias
AUTHOR: Bergainnier, Earl F.
Source: Louisiana Studies 1976, 15, 5-20
NT: Discusses J.C. Harris & Page.
AMER. BOOK #: 76107806
TITLE: Uncle Remus: Mere Buffoon or Admirable Man of Stature?
AUTHOR: Brestensky, Dennis F.
Source: West Virginia University Philological Papers. Morgantown, WV 1975, 22,
AMER. BOOK #: 75109138
TITLE: Uncle Remus and the Ubiquitous Rabbit.
AUTHOR: Rubin, Louis D.,Jr.
Source: The Southern Review, Baton Rouge, LA 1974, 10, 787-804
AMER. BOOK #: 84109736
TITLE: The Shadow at the Cabin Door: Implications of Reality in Joel Chandler Harris's
Tales of Uncle
AUTHOR: Lea, James W.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI 1974, 35,
460A-61A(N.C., Chapel Hill)
AMER. BOOK #: 74109735
TITLE: Bred and Bawn in a Briar
AUTHOR: Crawford, John W.
Source: South Central Bulletin
AMER. BOOK #: 74109734
TITLE: Two Brer Rabbit Stories from the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
AUTHOR: Armistead, Samuel G.
Source: Journal of American Folklore, Austin, Texas 1971, 84, 442-44
AMER. BOOK #: 72112023
TITLE: The Uncle Remus Stories: Two Portraits of American Negroes.
AUTHOR: Glazier, Lyle
Source: JGE:The Journal of General Education, University Park, PA, 22, 71-79
NT: Rev. alt.
AMER. BOOK #: 70106897
TITLE: Daddy Joel Harris and His Old-Time Darkies
AUTHOR: Turner, Darwin T.
Source: Southern Literary Journal, Chapel Hill, NC 1968, 1:1, 20-41
AMER. BOOK #: 69106593
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris: A Biography
MJ: Cousins,Paul M.
Source: Baton Rouge : Louisiana State UP, 1968.
TITLE: The Other Uncle Remus
AUTHOR: English, Thomas H.
Source: The Georgia Review, Athens, GA 1967, 21, 210-217
AMER. BOOK #: 67109498
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris as Folklorist: A Reassessment
AUTHOR: Walton, David A.
Source: Keystone Folklore, Philadelphia, PA 1966, 11, 21-26
AMER. BOOK #: 66108125
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris's Contributions to Scribner's Monthly and Century
Magazine, 1880-1887
AUTHOR: Smith, Herbert F.
Source: Ga. Hist. Quart. 1963, 47, 169-179
AMER. BOOK #: 63105611
TITLE: Sanskrit and American Humor: Parallels and Influences in the Animal Fable
AUTHOR: Disgaard, Daniel J.
Source: Comparative Literature Studies, University Park, FA (CLS). 1991, 28:3,
AMER. BOOK #: 94050234
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris' Tales of Uncle Remus: For Mixed Audiences
AUTHOR: Keenan, Huqh
Source: 118-27 IN Fiodelman-Perry (ed.); Usrey-Malcolm (fwd.). Touchstones: Reflections on
the Best
in Children's Literature: Fairy Tales, Fables, Myths, Legends, and Poetry. West Lafayette
: Children's
Lit. Assn., 1987. vi, 290 pp.
AMER. BOOK #: 92071574
TITLE: Dark Dialects: Scientific and Literary RSalism in Joel Chandler Harris's Uncle
Remus Series
AUTHOR: Birnbaum, Michele
Source: New Orleans Review, New Orleans, LA (NOR). 1991 Spring, 18:1, 36-45
AMER. BOOK #: 92062189
TITLE: Br'er Rabbit Redux
AUTHOR: Manna, Anthony L.
Source: 93-108 IN Schmidt Gary D. (ed.); Gettings Donald R. (ed.). Sitting at the
Feet of the Past: Retelling the North American Folktale for Children. Westport,
CT : Greenwood, 1992. xiii, 239 pp.
AMER. BOOK #: 92043012
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris and the Legitimacy of the Reteller of Folktales
AUTHOR: Keenan, Hugh T.
Source: 81-91 IN Schmidt Gary D. (ed.); Gettings Donald R. (ed.). Sitting at the Feet of
the Past:
Retelling the North American Folktale for Children. Westport, CT : Greenwood, 1992. xiii,
239 pp.
AMER. BOOK #: 92043011
TITLE: Mark Twain's Birds and Joel Chandler Harris's Rabbit: Two Modes of Projection of
Personality in Comic Critters
AUTHOR: Arnold, St. George Tucker, Jr.
Source: Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor, Ottawa, ON, Canada (Thalia). 1989
Spring-Summer, 11:1, 34-41
AMER. BOOK #: 91071056
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris and the Ethnologists: The Folk's View of Early American
AUTHOR: Montenyohl, Eric L.
Source: Southern Folklore, Lexington, KY (SFolk). 1990~ 47:3, 227-238
AMER. BOOK #: 90037611
TITLE: Remus Redux, or French Classicism on the Old Plantation: La Fontaine and J.C.
AUTHOR: Humphries, Jefferson
Source: 170-185 IN Humphries Jefferson (ed.). Southern Literature and Literary
Theory. Athens : U of Georgia P, 1990. xviii, 375 pp.
AMER. BOOK #: 90021826
TITLE: The Storyteller's Voice: Reflections on the Rewriting of Uncle Remus
AUTHOR: Lester, Julius
Source: 69-73 IN Otten, Charlotte F. (ed.); Schmidt Gary D. (ed.). The Voice of the
Narrator in
Children's Literature: Insights from Writers and Critics. New York : Greenwood, 1989.
xviii, 414 pp.
AMER. BOOK #: 89031053
TITLE: Three Southern Views of Reconciliation, Economic Recovery and Race in the New
1865-1900: As Seen in the Life and Work of Douglas Nelson Page, Joel Chandler Harris and
George Washington Cable
AUTHOR: Richardson, Emily Stenhouse
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Ann Arbor, MI (DAI). 1988 June, 48:12, 3184A
AMER. BOOK #: 88082047
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris: An Annotated Secondary Bibliography
AUTHOR: Bickley, R. Bruce, Jr. (comp.9; Keenan, Hugh T. (comp.)
Source: Atlanta Hist. Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4, 141-148
AMER. BOOK #: 88022918
TITLE: The Early Days of the Uncle Remus Memorial Association
AUTHOR: Kelly, Karen M.
Source: Atlanta Hist. Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4, 113-127
AMER. BOOK #: 88022916
TITLE: The Relationship of Joel Chandler Harris and Mark Twain
AUTHOR: Bell, William R.
Source: Atlanta Hist. Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4, 97-111
AMER. BOOK #: 88022915
TITLE: A Meeting of Southerners: Joel Chandler Harris, Mark Twain, and George
Washington Cable
AUTHOR: Weaks, Mary Louise
Source: Atlanta Hist. Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4; 89-9S
AMER. BOOK #: 88022914
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris and American Folklore
AUTHOR: Montenyohl, Eric L.
Source: Atlanta Hist.Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4, 79-88
AMER. BOOK #: 88022913
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris: 'Accidental AUTHOR' or 'Aggressive Businessman'
AUTHOR: Griska,Joseph M., Jr.
Source: Atlanta Hist. Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4, 71-78
AMER. BOOK #: 88022910
TITLE: Rewriting Dialect Literature: 'The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story'
AUTHOR: Peterson, Lee
Source: Athanta Hist. Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4, 57-70
AMER. BOOK #: 88022909
TITLE: Roots and Environment: The Family Background of Joel Chandler Harris
AUTHOR: Thomas, Kenneth H., Jr.
Source: Atlanta Hist. Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4, 37-56
AMER. BOOK #: 88022908
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris: The Writer in His Time and Ours
AUTHOR: Keenan, Hugh T. (ed.)
Source: Atlanta Hist.Jour. 1986-1987 Fall-Winter, 30:3-4
NT: Spec. iss.; introd., 5-7
AMER. BOOK #: 88022906
TITLE: The Origins of Uncle Remus
AUTHOR: Montenyohl, Eric L.
Source: Folklore Forum, Bloomington, IN (Forum). 1986 Spring, 18:2, 136-167
AMER. BOOK #: 87080539
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris's Revision of Uncle Remus: The First Version of
'A Story of the War'
AUTHOR: Montenyohl, Eric L.
Source: American Literary Realism, Jefferson, NC (ALR). 1986 Fall, 19:1, 65-72
AMER. BOOK #: 86031278
TITLE: Language in the Uncle Remus Tales
AUTHOR: Peterson, Lee
Source: Modern Philology: A Journal Devoted to Research in Medieval and Modern
Literature, Chicago, IL (MP). 1985 Feb., 82:3, 292-298
AMER. BOOK #: 85029319
TITLE: Joel Chandler Harris's 'Boogerman' Frightens Mrs. Grundy
AUTHOR: Bickley, R. Bruce, Jr.
Source: Enqlish Language Notes, Boulder, CO (ELN). 1985 Sept., 23:1, 61-63
AMER. BOOK #: 85628722
TITLE: Another Chapter in the Literary Relationship of Mark Twain and Joel Chandler
AUTHOR: Piacentino, Edward J.
Source: Mississippi Quarterly: The Journal of SouthernCulture, Mississippi State,
MS (MissQ). 1984-1985 Winter, 38:1, 73-85
AMER. BOOK #: 85026047
31 of 45 TITLE: The Sad Fate of Mr. Fox in the Cow's Belly: Stability and
Transformation in an Afro-American
AUTHOR: Kruger-Kahloula, Angelika; Bremond, Claude (comment);
Calame-Griaule, Genevieve (comment)
Source: Cahiers de Litt. Orale 1984, 14, 97-124
NT: Fr. sum.; commentary, 193-199 INTNATL BOOK #: 95005166
TITLE: Twisted Tales: Propaganda in the Tar-Baby Stories
AUTHOR: Keenan, Hugh T.
Source: The Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South, Hattiesburg, MS
(SoQ). 1984 Winter, 22:2, 54-69
AMER. BOOK #: 84024199
TITLE: When the Animals Talked - A Hundred Years of Uncle Remus
AUTHOR: Mikkelsen, Nina
Source: Children's Literature Association Quarterly, Battle Creek, MI (CLAQ). 1983
Spring, 8:1, 3-5, 31
AMER. BOOK #: 83079537
TITLE: Uncle Remus: Puttin' on Ole Massa's Son
AUTHOR: Hedin, Raymond
Source: Southern Literary Journal, Chapel Hill, NC (SLJ). 1982 Fall, 15:1, 83-90
AMER. BOOK #: 82023043
38 of 45 TITLE: Uncle Remus Correspondence: The Development and Reception of Joel
Chandler Harris' Writing,
1880-1885 AUTHOR: Griska, Joseph M., Jr
. Source: American Literary Realism, Jefferson, NC (ALR). 1981 Spring, 14:1, 26-37
AMER. BOOK #: 81091698