IT seems only the other day that Max Muller, in the second volume of his
"Chips" (1869), called our attention to the importance of the comparative
study of Folk-lore. Already the literature of the subject makes a
respectable library, and in the volume before us we have a contribution
from a new and almost unworked field. The half-dozen examples of negro
tales published a few years ago in "Harper's Monthly" and the "Riverside
Magazine" served only to whet the appetites of lovers of legend; and we
trust that Mr. Harris has not now exhausted his repertory in this
entertaining collection. He calls attention in his introduc- tion to the
difficulty of persuading the negroes to "acknowledge to a stranger that
they know anything of these legends; and yet to relate one of the stories
is the surest road to their confidence and esteem." Just so Mr. Dasent, as
quoted by Max Muller, says, " it is hard to make old and feeble women, who
are generally the depositaries of these national treasures, be- lieve that
the inquirer can have any real in- terest in the matter. They fear that the
ques- tion is only put to turn them to ridicule."
In his well-written introduction. Mr. Harris raises the question as to the
origin of these myths, without, however, undertaking to an- swer it. So far
as appears, they have nothing in common with the Aryan cycle of popular
tales, which has until now been the principal object of investigation. On
the other hand, they are found very widely spread in South as well as North
America. Did the Indians get them from the negroes, or the negroes from the
Indians? Mr. Herbert H. Smith, author of "Brazil and the Amazons," as
quoted by Mr Harris, is positive that the negroes brought them from Africa;
but considering their wide dissemination among the American natives, and
their distinctively American character in many cases, we should hesitate to
consider this as settled. We must wait for a careful ex- amination of the
native folk-lore of Africa as the next stage in the investigation; the
single illustration from Upper Egypt, not a very ex- act resemblance at
that, is not enough to found a theory upon. We must remember, what students
in the comparative sciences are prone to forget, that resemblances in
language, myth- ology, institutions, and legend, may often be as easily
explained by analogy of circumstances and way of thinking as by identity of
It is not so much the stories themselves, as their prevailing character,
that appears to point to an origin distinct from that of the old world
myths. The hero of the tales is the Rabbit; it is, says Mr. Harris, "a
fable thoroughly characteristic of the negro; and it needs no scientific
investigation to show why he selects as his hero the weakest and most
harmless of all animals, and brings him out victorious in con- tests with
the bear, the wolf, and the fox. It is not virtue that triumphs, but
helplessness; it is not malice, but mischievousness." We would note that in
one of the Zulu tales eited by Max Muller ("Chips," vol. ii., p. 210) the
hare-- -and the Amercan rabbit is a hare---outwit the lion and compasses
his death. These stories, indeed, of the rabbit and fox, form a distinct
cycle---a sort of invertedReineke Fuchs; "it progresses," says Mr. Harris,
"in an orderly way from a beginning to a well- defined conclusion, and is
full of striking epi- sodes that suggest the culmination." We do not see
why, this being so, he has not arranged the stories so as to show this
development, but has interrupted the " Rabbit cycle " with inde- pendent
stories like the Deluge, the Deceitful Frogs, and several Bear stories.
But it is not merely as a collection of folk- lore that this book deserves
notice. It is a valuable study of dialect, or rather affords valu- able
materials for such a study; for the com- piler does not enter into the
subject at all, ex- cept to point out the differenee of dialect in a
parallel story taken from the " Riverside Magazine." This is from the
sea-island region while Unele Remus lives in the neighborhood of Atlanta.
These two dialects do not, after all differ very materially from each
other, but are very different from the "Jim Crow" negro talk of the border
slave-states, with which the people of the North are most familiar---tosay
nothing of the mongrel "nigger-talk" of the minstrels and the newspapers,
which is neither fish, flesh, nor fowl.
There is a third point of view in which this volume will be found to
possess great interest, and value---as bearing upon the questin of
reconstruction and the future of the South in one of its most important
aspects: the sentiments and habits of the negroes themselves. Uncle Remus's
"Story of the War," testifified to as "almost literally true," has a moral
for those who cannot see how the freed slaves should ever act politically
with their old masters. Unquestionably there was a class of slaves typified
by Uncle Remus, "who has nothing but pleasant memories of the discipline
slavery---and who has all the prejudces of caste and pride of family that
were the natural results of the system." No Northerner who has lived in the
South in association with the freed slaves needs to be reminded of these
"prejudices of caste and pride of family; or of the undisguised contempt
with which their proteges often looked upon them, as compared with the real
gentlemen and ladies who used to have them flogged. It seemed, an
unaccount- able servility of spirit; nevertheless it was a fact, and one of
some importance in the problem of reconstruction."
Lastly, the editor says that he is advised by his "publishers that this
book is to be included in their catalogue of humorous publications"; and if
there are any who do not care for folk- lore, or for linguistic study or
for reconstruction, it will be hard if they cannot pass a fore- noon with
rare enjoyment, laughing over the adventures of "Brer Rabbit." We should
like to give one of the stories in full, in order to illustrate this
feature. This would, however, require too much space, and we will only give
the conclusion of the " Story of the Deluge. ' The deluge, according to the
story, was caused by the crawfishes, who "bo'd inter de groun' en kep' on
bo'in twel dey onloost de fountains er de earf."
"Where was the ark, Uncle Remus," the little boy inquired, presently.
"Noah's ark," replied the child.
"Don't you pester wid ole man Noah, honey. I boun'he tuck keer er dat ark. Dat's w'at he wuz dere fer, en dat's w'at he done. Leas'ways, dat's w'at dey tells me. But don't you bodder longer dat ark, 'ceppin' your mammy fetches it up. Dey mout er bin two deloojes, en den agin dey moutent. Ef dey wuz enny ark in dish yer w'at de crawfishes brung on, I ain't heern tell un it, en w'en dey ain't no arks 'roun, I ain't got no time fer ter make um en put um in dere. Hit's gittin' yo' bedtime, honey."
The illustrations are excellent, and add a great deal to the fun of the book.